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How to Apply as an International Student

International Admission Guidelines

俄亥俄州拥有来自世界各地的热情和多元化的学生社区, 所有级别的大学录取都是有选择性的. To be competitive, 你必须在你学习的国家以高于平均水平的成绩完成中学教育. 请查看国际资格页面,了解您的教学国家的具体标准.

Admission Requirements by Country


International Qualifications By Country

Cambridge Curricula Requirements

参加剑桥课程的学生, 录取决定是基于GSCE/IGCSE/O-level成绩, and we generally expect at least 6 passes, graded C or higher. 即将完成GCE高级附属课程(as -level)和/或高级课程(a -level)的学生可能会获得奖励 transfer credit for successfully completed exams.


为学习国际学士学位(IB)课程的学生, 我们一般期望你的大学预科成绩平均为5分(总分7分). IB高级考试也可能有资格 transfer credit.

Guidelines for More Selective Programs




How to Apply

申请国际新生或转学生入学, 你必须完成申请过程中的每一步.


您可以使用通用newbb电子程序申请或俄亥俄州的替代在线申请. Additionally, 如果您无法在网上完成申请, 您可以打印并邮寄与您申请的学年相对应的可打印申请表.

Common App

Alternate Online Application

Alternative Printable Application form

Step 2: Submit the international application fee.


Step 3: Submit your academic records (transcripts).

You must submit records from every 你曾就读的中学及/或专上院校. If the original document is not in English, 您还必须提供经过认证或证明的英文翻译. 对于转学申请者,必须提交正式的学习成绩以供入学考虑. 新生申请者可提交官方或非官方的学业成绩*. All documents should be submitted via email to 或通过邮政邮件或快递发送,按照邮政邮件部分的说明. 如果非正式学术文件提交入学决定, 正式文件必须在上课第一天之前提交.


  • 选项1:由您的中学辅导员或校长通过通用申请上传
  • Option 2: Emailed directly to 由你的中学辅导员或校长,或大学注册主任
  • 选择三:以邮递或速递方式,装在信封内,并由下列其中一人盖章:
    • The issuing secondary school or university
    • Ministry of Education of your home country
    • EducationUSA or related binational organization

      Mail or deliver to: Undergraduate Admissions
      Chubb Hall 120
      1 Ohio University
      Athens OH 45701 – USA
  • 选择4:在课程开始之前,将正式文件的复印件带到本科招生办. The documents must be in an unopened 经学校盖章、签名、盖章的信封.


所有寻求直接录取的全日制学术学习的学生必须通过不超过一年前的考试证明英语水平. English proficiency exam options include:

  • TOEFL Paper: Minimum score 520 (composition score of 5)
  • TOEFL Internet (IBT): Minimum score of 68 (writing subscore of 17)
  • IELTS: Minimum score 6.0 (no sub-score below 5.5)
  • Duolingo English Test: 95
  • SAT最低总分1060分,其中基于证据的阅读和写作分540分
  • ACT最低综合成绩21分,其中英语和阅读分21分

选择不提交考试成绩且未达到上述最低要求之一的学生可以选择被录取 Ohio Program of Intensive English (OPIE). Upon reaching the required level of proficiency, 学生可以申请转换级别,开始全日制学术学习.

在豁免国家表中列出的国家之一接受教育的学生,或在英语系统中完成至少三年的高等中学教育的学生, such as Cambridge or IB, including three years of non-ESL, 大学预科英语课程成绩为“B”或更高,不需要提供额外的英语水平证明,除非有要求.

English Proficiency Requirements: Exempt Countries

Anguilla The Gambia Malawi Tanzania
Antigua and Barbuda Ghana Montserrat Trinidad and Tobago
Australia Gibraltar New Zealand Turks and Caicos
Barbados Grenada Nigeria Uganda
Belize Guyana Rwanda UK
Cameroon Ireland Scotland Virgin Islands
Canada (except Quebec) Isle of Man Sierra Leone Wales
Cayman Islands Jamaica South Africa Zambia
Dominica Kenya

South Sudan

Eswatini Lesotho St. Lucia  
  Liberia St. Vincent and the Grenadines  




Step 6: Submit optional materials as desired.

您可以通过电子邮件向本科招生办提交可选材料 or via post or courier to:

Undergraduate Admissions
Chubb Hall 120
1 Ohio University
Athens OH 45701 – USA

Optional materials may include:

  • SAT or ACT scores. Ohio University has adopted a test-optional pathway for first-year applicants to the Athens campus. If you choose to submit SAT/ACT scores, 他们必须直接从考试机构提交:SAT(学校代码1593)或ACT(学校代码3314).
  • Essay(s)
  • Letter(s) of recommendation
  • 课外兴趣和活动清单

Apply Now

Ready to take the next step? newbb电子平台是The Common Application的成员之一. 鼓励申请人使用通用newbb电子程序申请,该newbb电子程序每年8月开放. 对于不想使用通用newbb电子程序的国际申请人,请访问我们的 alternative online application or print and mail the alternative printable application form 这与你申请的学年相对应.
