


下面, you will find a comprehensive set of policies, 每一个设计都是为了维护我们共同生活空间的完整性和福祉. 熟悉这些指导方针将大大有助于一个繁荣和包容的社区经验.


Painting of residence hall rooms is not permitted, including murals. It is not permitted to paint in a room to fix or improve. This kind of activity needs to be completed by 设施管理 & 安全.


住宿部的工作人员在住客到达之前检查所有房间. After move in, you will need to complete a 房间状况报告 at ERezLife. 确保所有的家具都在,任何房间损坏或问题都被记录下来. 在搬进和搬出之间可能发生的任何损坏都是你和室友共同的责任. If you wish to take responsibility for damages, 请联系您的GRD/RD/ARD填写损坏责任表.

Room Decoration and Personalization

You are encouraged to personalize 你的房间 to make it feel like home, but adhere to these safety concerns:

  • You may decorate 你的房间 with posters, 但出于消防安全考虑,只有25%的墙面空间可以用海报或挂毯覆盖. 挂毯或其他物品不得悬挂在天花板上,墙壁的任何部分不得使用可拆卸的墙纸, 固定装置, 或家具.
  • Only 3M Command Products are recommended for use, 然而, these can still cause damage to some walls. Follow product directions to avoid damage. Damage may result in a monetary fee/fine assessed to the student.
    • 3M Command产品禁止进入Carr、Luchs、sole和Tanaka大厅. Finish nails are recommended to install decorations.
  • Do not put holes in the walls or furnishings.
  • Do not mount TVs to walls.
  • No candles are allowed (lit or unlit). Tart/candle warmers are also not allowed.

Although you are encouraged to personalize 你的房间, 同样重要的是要记住,你现在住在一个住宅社区. 某些你觉得有趣或合适的物品或展示可能会冒犯你的室友或周围的社区. 因此,在你住在一起的时候和你的室友交流是很重要的.


每个住宅房间都包括内置或独立的抽屉和橱柜. 另外, each room contains a desk, 办公椅, 床上, 床上 safety rail (for rooms with bunked 床上s), and a mattress for each resident. 每个房间有两个垃圾桶和一个冰箱/微波炉(不允许使用个人冰箱或微波炉). 房内家具或陈设不得从房间或从一个房间移到另一个房间,包括前院和套房. 移走家具可能会导致房间居民被收取更换丢失物品的费用.

Room Inspections (or 健康与安全 Inspections)

每学期, 住宿部工作人员将对您的房间进行检查,以确保您的房间符合健康和安全标准. Notification will be given, approximately 7 days prior, to let you know when inspections will be conducted.

在检查期间, 你的房间, 网点, 墙装饰, and general cleanliness will be assessed. Your personal items will not be searched. Any illegal or prohibited items found may be confiscated at this time. A fee of $25 may be assessed for confiscated items, 对任何涉嫌违反《newbb电子》的行为进行转介.

被没收的物品可以在每学期结束时到大楼教职员办公室领取. 无人认领的没收物品将于每学期结束后30天内捐赠或处理.

Commonly confiscated prohibited items include, but are not limited to:

  • 蜡烛
  • Wax warmers (Scentsy, etc.)
  • 电炉、烤架等.
  • 延长线,插座分配器(从一个插座创建多个插座)
  • 用于装饰的空酒精瓶(如果未满21岁或居住在无物质社区)
  • Halogen, “octopus,” torchiere lamps with exposed bulbs
  • Multi-plug adapters, such as cube adapters, outlet splitters
  • 滑板


The university respects students’ right to privacy. 然而, 在下列情况下,学校工作人员可以未经允许进入学生宿舍:

  • 在紧急情况下(如.g.,火警)
  • To check on the well-being of a resident
  • To inspect, maintain, and renovate rooms
  • To address a nuisance to the community

未能回应大学官员的合理要求(例如要求打开你的门)将导致行为转介到社区标准和学生责任办公室. University officials include all levels of in-hall staff.


  • Unauthorized or unapproved room changes are prohibited. 所有房间的变更必须得到SRA或建筑或综合体的RD/GRD/ARD的批准. 在完成房间更改请求之前搬进房间可能会导致请求被取消, 行为转诊, and/or being billed for both spaces.
  • 禁止任何人居住或占用未分配给房间的空间.
  • 禁止在宿舍房间或宿舍内的任何地方积极寻求和/或经营业务的任何方面. 这包括把你的空间租给没有分配到这个空间的人.


  • Soliciting in residential communities is prohibited. Should you observe sales or solicitation occurring in your hall, 联系住房和居住生活部门的工作人员或俄亥俄州大学警察局,电话740.593.1911.
  • Individuals or outside agencies, 企业, or product events are prohibited from using rooms, 用于任何商业目的或业务的建筑物或邻近场地, 除非有住房和居住生活部门的书面许可


校园里的一些宿舍是加热/冷却系统的一部分,部分由建筑物内循环的冷冻水和蒸汽提供动力. Once outside temperatures begin to decrease in the late fall, 俄亥俄州的设施管理部门关闭了冷冻水,打开了控制加热的蒸汽系统. The opposite occurs in spring. 请注意,这可能会限制宿舍房间的温度控制. If you have a concern regarding the temperature, please talk with your RA first to help troubleshoot the issue.

Rooms with Window Air Unit

  • 如果你的房间在冬天很暖和,我们建议你,如果可能的话,打开另一扇窗户. 不要同时开着你的空调和窗户,因为这可能会导致你的空调冻结. If 你的房间 is cold in the winter, 检查房间内暖气设备底部的暖气通风口. 如果通风口被盖住或堵塞,那么空气将无法在您的房间内正常流通. Move items away from vent. 通风口周围应该保持至少18到24英寸的清洁. This allows the heating system to properly “breathe.“员工办公室里有用品,可以帮助密封窗户周围可能允许冷空气进入的任何区域. 联系 your in-hall staff to obtain these materials.

Rooms with Central Air Units

  • Some rooms are equipped with central air systems. 这些装置为居民提供了在给定范围内设置温度的能力. 为确保冷气机正常运作,请保持冷气机出风口没有障碍物(见上文)。.

如果在适当清理通风口周围区域后温度问题仍然存在, submit a maintenance request at the 设施管理 网站.



  • Obscuring or blocking windows
  • Throwing, dropping, projecting, or hanging anything from the window
  • Use of windows as an entrance or an exit, except in an emergency
  • Tampering or removal of window screens, latches, or apparatus
  • Opening windows while running the AC system
  • Not having a screen in an open window