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Office of Information Technology

Office of Information Technology




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Friday, April 19 Research Data Management Working Group's "What We Wish You Knew" Panel 1:30 PM — 3:00 PM

Join the Research Data Management Working Group for our first "What We Wish You Knew" panel! This casual and informative chat with...

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    The Office of Instructional Design is offering a suite of resources, including workshops, one-on-one consultations, virtual office hours, and comprehensive guidance materials.
    The classic Microsoft Teams application is soon retiring and will no longer be available, effective July 1, 2024.
    All member of the Ohio University community are invited to join the Research Data Management Working Group on April 19, from 1:30 - 3:00 p.m. for its first "What We Wish You Knew" panel.
    This initiative was funded through a grant awarded by the Ohio Department of Development and aimed to improve document accessibility for individuals with disabilities.
    Pre-conference Canvas workshops will be available for 俄亥俄州 faculty and staff on April 16. Both workshops can be attended remotely via Microsoft Teams or in Baker 240.
    2月. 15, 俄亥俄州 researchers gained access to the first two modules of Cayuse, the University's new electronic research administration software.
    Initial feedback is encouraging and suggests that the course templates are likely to simplify the Canvas transition for faculty and enhance the student experience.
    Initial feedback is encouraging and suggests that the course templates are likely to simplify the Canvas transition for faculty and enhance the student experience.
    If you are listed as the point of contact with a third-party vendor and receive notices regarding a data breach or other data security related incident, please forward the email to security@俄亥俄州.edu.
    This annual training will be a source of information for program administrators and hiring staff on how to run a successful camp, program or event in compliance with 政策 03.010: 未成年人 on Campus.