


的 Textbook system was developed so that newbb电子平台 is compliant with the Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA). 的 HEOA (H.R. 4137秒. 133) (PDF, 50 kb) requires universities that receive federal funding to provide to students the textbooks and materials with approximate prices before the students register for classes.


Each term every class section will at minimum be required to be verified that the textbook and material information assigned are appropriate for that term.


所有教师/讲师都可以查看他/她的班级提交的信息. Each department/school has the option of permitting faculty and instructors to update textbooks and materials for class sections they are teaching. Please contact your department chair/school director to find out if you may update your textbooks and materials online or if you should provide the information to a department staff person.


的 information submitted to the online Textbook system will automatically be provided to the three local bookstores in 雅典 (College Bookstore, 福利特的, 和小教授), 以及地区校区的书店. 将提供一个初始文件, 然后定期更新将自动发送到书店.


如果课堂上没有书、资料或笔记,那么 课程 系统将自动显示“待定”.如果某一节课没有要求的课本或资料,请输入注释(i).e., No textbook or materials required for purchase) so that "To Be Determined" will not be displayed 课程设置.


在理想的情况下, all textbooks and materials are entered before the start of priority registration for the term (Fall - March 15; Spring - October 15; Summer - February 15). 我们知道,这可能不可能适用于所有班级. Please work with your department chair/school director/regional campus dean to follow deadlines provided by the department/school/regional campus.


的 bookstores will continue to contact the instructor or the departmental/school contact as they have in the past if there are questions or concerns with a textbook or material that has been submitted.

如果我错过了添加材料的最后期限怎么办? 什么时候上锁?

的 system will remain available for entering/updating textbooks and materials until the beginning of the term. Please understand that the closer we get to the term the more challenging it is for the bookstores to have the textbooks and materials available for students. 也, for compliance with the Higher Education Opportunity Act we need to do our best to have the textbooks and materials information entered before priority registration for the term.


的 课程 system will display the most recent date on which any textbook or materials were updated for the class section.

我是(插入角色). 我看到了什么??
  • 教师 member: You see all class sections to which you are officially assigned as an instructor in the Student Information System.
  • 系主任/学校主任:您可以查看并编辑您所在部门/学校的所有课堂部分.
  • Department/School 工作人员: If your chair/director has told the 注册商's Office to grant access to you then you have access to see and edit all class sections for your department/school.
  • 区域校园用户:您可以查看并编辑校园的所有类部分.


价格呢?? 谁决定他们? 如果他们错了怎么办?

的 Higher Education Opportunity Act requires that an approximate price be provided to students in advance of registration for the class. 这是一个大概的价格,我们提供这个 免责声明 课程设置. 的 person who is entering the textbooks and materials information will need to enter an approximate price. 的 publisher should provide a price to the faculty member when the textbook information is provided to the faculty member. 请记住,价格是近似值,用于帮助学生制定计划. 你可以用你选择的任何方式获得价格.e. 打电话到书店,在网上搜索,从出版商那里获取等等.


的 search for an ISBN feature obtains information from the Open 图书馆 database or from the database being built from ISBNs being entered into this software. 它可能返回作者。, title, 版, 版权日期, 但这取决于在开放图书馆数据库/newbb电子平台数据库中输入的内容.


的 Textbook system permits you to select multiple class sections and assign the same textbooks and materials to the class sections. You will build the list of class sections that have the same textbooks and materials by clicking the green plus icon to add each class to the list of Selected Classes.


Each course with an approved course fee will have a yellow coin stack icon beside each class section offered indicating that that class section has an approved course fee. 每个班级都有一个标准的费用说明和一个批准的费用. 您将需要验证指定的标准费用说明是否合适,如果不是, 更改为另一个标准收费通知单. 费用金额不会显示在教科书系统中,但会显示在课程设置中. 教务处还在其网站上提供了所有批准的课程费用清单 注册官学杂费网站.


的 initial use of the Textbook system requires the entering of all textbooks and materials used in class sections. A future enhancement to the system is to provide functionality to permit a department/school to easily assign the same textbooks and materials to future offerings of the same course.


教科书和资料可在 课程 通过单击三角形展开类的详细信息. 列出了作者、书名、出版商和建议零售成本. 请注意,教科书和材料可能会有所变化.


No. 教科书信息将不会显示在My俄亥俄州学生中心, 但可以在课程设置中找到.


Currently the department chair/school director will notify faculty and staff when textbooks and materials need to be entered. A future enhancement request is to include automated messaging to remind faculty and staff to update the textbook information.

有什么样的培训? 如果我需要帮助,我该联系谁?

网站上有参考资料和在线教程 注册师教材网站. 如果你需要找人说话请打740排班电话.593.4188.


No. 教材信息将自动显示在课程设置中.




教材信息将自动提供给当地各书店. If you are certain that the book can be obtained only at a specific bookstore (or via a specific Web site), 然后你应该在评论部分指出这一点.


Inclusive Access is a program instructors can enroll in to provide students in their participating courses access to digital content (eBooks or courseware). Students will have access via 黑板上 on the first day of class and their student accounts will be billed at a significantly lower price than MSRP (manufacturer suggested retail price).   newbb电子平台与参与的出版商合作经营这个项目. 了解更多关于包容性访问的信息.



你可以浏览 包容性访问(教师)页面 它将为您提供故障排除技术,以便将您的课程纳入包容性访问, 关于如何设置内容访问链接的信息, 以及即将到来的学期的重要日期以及它们如何影响包容性访问.